The Government of India provides technical training to officials in Government, Private and Public Sector, Universities, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, under two bilateral training programs.
1) Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation [ITEC] Programme
2) Technical Cooperation Scheme (TCS) of Colombo Plan
Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation [ITEC] Programme:
Under ITEC, launched in 1964 as a bilateral assistance program, 158 countries in Asia and the Pacific, East Europe, Central Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean are invited to share in the Indian Developmental experience acquired over five decades of India’s existence as a free Nation.
ITEC is about cooperation and partnership for mutual benefit. It is response-oriented and it addresses the needs of developing countries. India possesses skills of manpower and technology more appropriate to the geographical and ecological conditions and the stage of technological development of several developing countries. These training facilities are also available for nationals of Timor Leste.
ITEC has five components: (1) Training in India of nominees of ITEC partner countries; (2) Projects and project related activities such as feasibility studies and consultancy services; (3) Deputation of Indian experts abroad; (4) Study Tours. (5) Aid for Disaster Relief (ADR).
Under training in India of nominees of ITEC partner countries, which includes Indonesia & Timor-Leste, training is provided as many as 277 courses in 47 empanelled-Institutes.
The training is offered in varied subjects, such as parliamentary studies, government accounts and finance, auditing, crime records, standardization, computers, advanced computing, telecom technology and management, management, labour issues, entrepreneurship development, micro, small and medium business development, rural development, English-language proficiency, mass communication, statistics, bank management, technical teachers training and research, educational planning and management, rural electrification, tool design, scientific instruments, production management, remote sensing, pharmaceuticals education & research, railways signaling, textile research and renewable energy sources.
Comprehensive details on the ITEC training courses, including the eligibility criteria, terms & conditions, procedure for application and the Application Forms, can be accessed on the ITEC website: