Entrepreneurship, Faculty of science and math, the major of Statistics, has visited at BMT Youth Welfare Semarang

Entrepreneurship “describes” the formation of a new organization or revitalizing mature organization, in response to a perceived business opportunity. Muhammadiyah University in Semarang (UNIMUS), Science Faculty, Department of Statistically, has visited BMT (Baitul Mall Wat Tanwill) Youth Welfare in Semarang to learn as part of the learning business. BMT Youth Welfare businesses engaged in finance and banking, Islamic sharia. In recent years, the term has been extended from entrepreneurial activity.

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Entrepreneurship within an existing small organization, BMT Youth Welfare, has been Referred to as intra- -preneurship and may include corporate enterprises where large entities spin off the subsidiary organization. Business already has 22 branches in the district of Semarang. Workforce totaled 120 employees and graduates of undergraduate. The amount of assets managed is 1 billion Rupiah (IDR) in 2010 and to 30 million Rupiah (IDR) in 2014. number of customers is 10,000. BMT Youth Welfare is engaged in the business of financial services, Islamic Sharia. There are three systems in sharia business is seeking funds from the public, through savings, management of public funds, and the distribution of funds to the community. CEOs are Yasun SE. From this study, students learn the sharia banking system in detail and detail and also the Islamic banking system. In this case, the supervisor of the Science Faculty is Djoko Prasetyo SE., MM, he is an entrepreneur. Of entrepreneurial learning, students in the Faculty can improve to create a business among other business learning initiatives, take advantage of opportunities in the market with planning, organizing and utilizing resources, with new innovation or improving existing products. More recently, the term entrepreneurship students have expanded to include the conceptualization of entrepreneurship as a specific mindset that entrepreneurial initiatives eg in the form of social entrepreneurship, Participate in new business creation is a common activity, with students in the Faculty of mathematics and science, are useful to the students how to develop their careers. In recent years, entrepreneurship has been documented as a major driver of economic growth in Semarang, Central Java. Entrepreneurial activity Differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity involved. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from the individual, part-time projects to large scale businesses that create jobs. Many “high value” entrepreneurial ventures were implemented in the Faculty of Science, UNIMUSS.